From March, 2023 to February, 2024, the government of the United States maintained a maximum pressure policy against Cuba and continued to fully implement the economic, commercial and financial blockade, which is the fundamental pillar of that policy. Unilateral measures remained unchanged, with a stronger impact on Cuba’s economy and people. Such measures have continued to replicate and aggravate the demolishing effects of this unilateral coercive system, the most wide-ranging and longestlasting in history.


XV Havana Biennial logo

The most attractive and distinctive thing about the Havana Biennial is its ability to take the city as a setting. However, the visual proposal in traditional spaces such as art galleries, studios, or museums is wide and varied. Artists are invited to create together in the communities, as a profitable exchange experience and its extension to other cities in the country is planned.

The Havana Biennial, founded in 1984, is a contemporary art event organized by the Wifredo Lam Center whose fundamental purpose is to contribute to the better knowledge and dissemination of the visual arts of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean and their diásporas. It is considered “the first biennial of Latin American art.”


Cuba has endured 64 years of a U.S. economic blockade.This intensified when President Trump unjustifiably put Cuba on a list of so-called State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT).President Biden has continued that listing. Companies worldwide that want to sell medicines or food to Cuba often can’t because their own bank refuses to accept Cuba’s payment under threat of enormous fines from the U.S.treasury for dealing with “terrorists.”

Tell Biden that he must, with a stroke of his pen, remove Cuba from this arbitrary list.

  • Make your opinions known to your Congressional representatives – by phone, email or best of all in person.
  • Get a resolution passed and sent to Biden, by your union branch, labor council or city council

The NNOC, along with partner organizations in the Cuban solidarity movement are coordinating a major campaign to get Cuba off the State Sponsors of Terror (SSOT) List and break the U.S. government economic blockade of Cuba. We’re calling, writing, meeting, and rallying to get Cuba off the SSOT List!

The NNOC is home to over 65 organizations standing in solidarity with the Cuban people to demand an end to the criminal U.S. economic blockade against Cuba!

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“A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.”
― Fidel Castro