Organizational Goals

Change the Narrative

To build public pressure and influence U.S. public opinion in order to bring about an end to the criminal U.S. blockade of Cuba, including working against the U.S. prohibition of the sale of food and medicines to the people of Cuba, ending the travel restrictions, and promoting cultural and educational exchanges.

Change Foreign Policy

To work actively to change U.S. foreign policy toward the people of Cuba by supporting legislative initiatives and lobbying projects which call for ending the policies of hostility toward Cuba, primarily the blockade, travel restrictions, the U.S. military presence in Guantanamo, and TV and Radio Marti – which serve as yet another form of U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba.

Countering Military Action

To work to counter U.S. military threats and action against Cuba.

Promote Public Campaigns

To promote public campaigns to educate the U.S. people about the reality and achievements of the Cuban people and to counter the vicious campaign of disinformation and outright lies being perpetrated by the U.S. administration and the right-wing (including the Cuban right-wing) against Cuba.

Promote Exchange

To promote exchanges between labor organizations and activists, as well as other sectors, in the U.S. and Cuba.

International Solidarity

To promote international coalitions to help coordinate international actions in solidarity with the Cuban people.

We uphold and defend the right of the Cuban people to determine their own destiny and to freely pursue their own social, economic and cultural development.  The Cuban people have a right to self-determination and national sovereignty. This is an inalienable right.

National Network on Cuba ByLaws

as revised and adopted April 1994, September 1995 and February 2001, October 2004, October 2010, November 2015, November 2016

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations establishes the principle that all people have the right to self-determination and national sovereignty.  It is our belief that all peoples and nations have a right to determine their own destiny in a climate free of fear, disinformation and economic and military reprisals by other countries.

The National Network on Cuba as a whole and the members that compose it, are part of a historic tradition in the United States against intervention abroad and in support of the right of nations to self-determination, peace and sovereignty.

The National Network on Cuba stands firmly behind the following principles which are at the foundation of our analysis, work and activities.

We uphold and defend the right of the Cuban people to determine their own destiny and to freely pursue their own social, economic and cultural development.  The Cuban people have a right to self-determination and national sovereignty.  This is an inalienable right.

Furthermore, we believe that the economic and cultural blockade imposed by the U.S. government for over 40 years on the Cuban people violates the most elementary principles of human rights and international law and is a direct challenge to Cuba’s right to self-determination and national sovereignty.

We oppose the use of immoral tools such as threats of military intervention, trade, cultural and scientific embargo, starvation diplomacy, and the promotion of disinformation about Cuba.

We believe we have a responsibility to impact on U.S. foreign policy because it affects the well being and quality of life domestically.

We believe that Cuba’s commitment to the basic rights of health, education and social welfare set an example to the world and that it has demonstrated a high moral and humanitarian character in its international support and solidarity to other Third World countries.

We are committed to educating ourselves and the people of the United States about the historical developments and achievements of the people of Cuba.  It is our belief that our work will serve to foster friendship between the people of Cuba and the United States that is based in truth.

The National Network on Cuba is part of a U.S. based movement that is opposed to war and political, military and economic intervention abroad.  We oppose institutionalized racism at home and support peace with justice.  We work actively to defend the right of Third World nations to pursue their own social, economic and cultural development.

The Goals of the National Network on Cuba

As seen above.

  1. To build public pressure and influence U.S. public opinion in order to bring about an end to the criminal U.S. blockade of Cuba, including working against the U.S. prohibition of the sale of food and medicines to the people of Cuba, ending the travel restrictions, and promoting cultural and educational exchanges.
  2. To work actively to change U.S. foreign policy toward the people of Cuba by supporting legislative initiatives and lobbying projects which call for ending the policies of hostility toward Cuba, primarily the blockade, travel restrictions, the U.S. military presence in Guantanamo, and TV and Radio Marti – which serve as yet another form of U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of Cuba.
  3. To work to counter U.S. military threats and action against Cuba.
  4. To promote public campaigns to educate the U.S. people about the reality and achievements of the Cuban people and to counter the vicious campaign of disinformation and outright lies being perpetrated by the U.S. administration and the right-wing (including the Cuban right-wing) against Cuba.
  5. To promote exchanges between labor organizations and activists, as well as other sectors, in the U.S. and Cuba.
  6. To promote international coalitions to help coordinate international actions in solidarity with the Cuban people.
  7. Membership in the National Network on Cuba

Organizational Structure

The National Meeting
The National Meeting is the highest decision making body, it meets at least twice (2) a year with one voting delegate from each member group or organization.

There are 5 coordinators who facilitate coordination and follow-up between National Meetings as per the decisions of the NNOC National Meetings and requests by Task Forces and Member Organizations. While the coordinators will be responsible for specific areas of interest, there will be no geographic requirement for representation as a co-chair.

The duties of the Coordinators are as follows:

[A] The Coordinators are responsible for carrying out the decisions made at the National Meetings, and promoting the goals, objectives and workplans of the NNOC in their respective regions.
[B] The Coordinators serve as spokespersons and representatives of the NNOC to national, international and local events and organizations.
[C] The Coordinators serve as organizers and recruiters of qualified organizations for enrollment into the NNOC.

[D] The Coordinators chair National Network meetings on a rotating basis.

[E] The Coordinators keep, on a rotating basis, the records of the NNOC meetings and decisions and create a report for NNOC after each National Meeting.  Coordinators meet prior to NNOC National Meetings.

The treasurer of the NNOC will be elected at the fall meeting and will serve a two year term.  One co-chair shall be assigned the task of working with the treasurer and shall have the authority to sign NNOC checks and have access to the NNOC bank account.

Task Forces
The National Network on Cuba establishes Task Forces to help facilitate Network wide work in specific areas.  Each Task Force has at least one (1) coordinator in it.  Task Forces can be created and dissolved at National Network Meetings as needed.

Decision-Making Apparatus
The National Network on Cuba has a delegate structure for decision making which is comprised of one (1) voting delegate and two (2) alternates of each of its Full member organizations.  Each Full member organization has one (1) vote at each National Meeting.  The National Meetings are the highest decision making body of the NNOC and all policy decisions of the Network, endorsements, national activities, etc. are made at National Network Meetings by participating delegates of full member groups.

The NNOC elects five (5) co-coordinators to follow-up and coordinate NNOC tasks between National Meetings.

NNOC business is conducted on the basis of seeking consensus and the use of simplified Roberts Rules of Order.  If consensus cannot be reached and a vote is necessary, a majority vote of the delegates present is required for something to pass.

The NNOC by-laws may only be changed by a majority of the member organizations. Proposals regarding changes to the by-laws must be discussed by the member organizations prior to ratification at a National Meeting. Therefore, such proposals will be taken back to member groups prior to approval.

Member Rights & Responsibilities

Full Membership in the National Network on Cuba is open to all groups and organizations working on Cuba and in agreement with the NNOC preamble and goals and who agree to abide by the by-laws of the NNOC. Each member organization has one vote. In order to vote at a NNOC meeting, each member organization must pay full dues, or have made a written agreement with the co-chairs to contribute in-kind services six months before the meeting.  For example, if an organization cannot pay the total amount of dues they would donate stamps, and/or volunteer time, etc. Any NNOC member group that has neither paid dues nor participated in a NNOC meeting for 3 years will be considered to have relinquished membership and will be required to reapply for membership should they desire to rejoin the network. 

Associate Membership in the National Network on Cuba is open to other organizations and individuals (who may or may not represent an organization) that bring resources (e.g. skills, expertise, supportive activity) to the NNOC.  Associate Members will not be able to vote but can participate in working groups, etc.  Associate members will not be required to pay the full dues amount and may offer their resources in lieu of money.In order to become a Full member of the National Network on Cuba, applicants must:– Fill out a membership application.– Secure the sponsorship of at least one (1) current member of the NNOC.– Present its formal application to a National Meeting where it will be discussed and voted upon. In the event that a group/organization being sponsored is not able to be present, they may either wait until the next National Meeting they can attend or they may opt to have their application presented by a sponsor.In order to become an Associate member of the National Network on Cuba, applicants must:– Fill out a membership application.– Secure the sponsorship of at least one (1) current member of the NNOC.– Present its formal application to the National Coordinators of the NNOC who will discuss and decide upon membership.

The Rights and Responsibilities of NNOC Members

All members of the National Network on Cuba:

  • Contribute to the National Network of Cuba. Full members pay the dues amount determined by vote of the Full members at a National Meeting. Associate members pay a dues amount determined by the National Coordinators.  In cases of extreme hardship, membership in the NNOC will not be denied due to inability to pay established dues, but as a matter of principle, we encourage members to pledge some amount which is in tune with their economic resources on either a monthly or yearly basis.
  • Participate in National Network Meetings, with one voting delegate per full member organization.
  • Can communicate their proposals, recommendations, etc., to National Meetings prior to or at National Meetings, or in the event they are not able to attend, forward these directly to NNOC members. In the event that an NNOC member is unable to forward these directly they may request that the National Coordinators do so on their behalf.
  1. Can invite observers to the National Network meetings. Observers are invited by member organizations. There is no limit to the number of observers that member groups can 
  2. invite, except those which may be a result of the type of space and accommodations which are made for National Meetings.
  4. Can sponsor organizations and individuals for membership in the NNOC.