The National Network on Cuba 2022 Fall Meeting resolved to focus our coming work on getting Cuba OFF the State Department State Sponsors of Terrorism List. Biden can do it, himself, without Congress! What is the SSOT? It is extraterritorial! How it hurts Cuba and more.
Check out these short youtubes:
First Trump, Now Biden (Falsely) Accuse Cuba of Sponsoring Terrorism 5:00
#SHORTS | U.S. Regulation Punishes Europeans for Visiting Cuba[ESTA]
U.S. Regulation Punishes Europeans for Visiting Cuba[ESTA] 4:21
The War on Cuba — Episode 5[SSOT, Robert Muse and Emily Morris interviewed at end on SSOT] 20:54
Will the Real Terrorist Please Stand Up? A movie made by the late Saul Landau, documents how Cuba has been a target of U.S. sponsored terrorism
- Here is the trailer and a link to where the film can be watched through video on demand in all territories:
- And 3 clips that are viewable internationally:
- Clip1 – Ann Louise Bardach, journalist, discusses the nature of an anti-Castro militant.
- Clip 2 – Jose Basulto, leader of Brothers to the Rescue, talks about his early life and destiny.
- Clip3 – Julia Sweig, Director for Latin American Studies at the Coucil on Foreign Relations, explains if Cuba is a terrorist state.