Calle 17 Ne. 301, Vedado Telef:838-2413 E-mail: [email protected]
Havana, December 2013
Dear friends,
We want our first words to be a sincere expression of affection to our friends who have for years given their selfless contribution in guiding and promoting Cuban solidarity in the United States. For them and for you; our Thanks. To our dear friend of many years, Marilyn McKenna, our fervent wish for a speedy recovery, you know that there are many hearts here wishing you good health.
In this long journey of victories and setbacks, we have had to mourn the loss of good friends of Cuba. We also dedicate these first words to our beloved Saul Landau, tireless fighter for justice and solidarity between our peoples.
Dear Network Co-chairs, representatives of solidarity with Cuba organizations, guests
As the 53rd anniversary of the founding of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples approaches next December 30th, we are proud to have had a solidarity movement in the United States for decades that has maintained its unconditional solidarity and support for our people and their Revolution.
Although there have been many expressions of love and friendship, the fact that you are meeting today to discuss ways on how to strengthen this solidarity is the greatest proof that the movement has won the battle of time and the many obstacles that you have had to face until today when you are celebrating your annual meeting. The Network has extraordinary friends who have decided to postpone their personal activities in order to collaborate intensely as Co-chairs. Many have been responsible in such important work and ICAP is grateful to everyone for their commitment and dedication.
The Network’s main objective should be directed towards adding more voices to the call for the immediate release of the Cuban Five, an end to the criminal economic blockade, the ultimate elimination of Cuba from the list of state sponsored terrorism and the closure of the illegally occupied US Naval Base in Guantanamo. All initiatives that can be created and developed to denounce these and other abuses to which we are constantly subjected to, will be based on unity and respect for new and old ideas that can contribute to this objective. We must recall that our enemy is still betting on weakening each example of support to the Cuban Revolution through media campaigns or direct attacks on collaborators and friends.
As always the hardest battles and the most significant time of solidarity has been fought in the United States itself. However, today more than ever we can say that the Network will not be alone in this struggle and two examples were agreements taken at the IX Colloquium in Holguin by 300 delegates from 51 countries, a modest step forward in the struggle for the return of our companeros to their country.
- Intensify and support actions in the U.S., with the financial support of all solidarity organizations in the world focusing on the demand on President Barack Obama, to exercise his executive powers in compliance with the US Constitution, free the Cuban Five and return them to Cuba without conditions.
- Support the III Sessions of Denunciation and Solidarity “5 days of Action for the Five” in Washington, DC, from June 4th to the 11, 2014, accompanied with actions and demonstrations in front of the US embassies around the world.
This world support is also recognition of years of efforts that the solidarity Network has carried out in taking to cities, universities, institutions and renowned figures and even the White House about the truth of the Cuban Five. The experience gained in the first two days advised us to redouble our actions in order to assure ourselves that this will be the last we will need to organize.
Dear friends, we cannot wait for the unjust sentences imposed on the Five to be completed because as you already know we would be condemning Gerardo to die in prison.
Regarding the long years in denouncing the blockade and travel ban, ICAP thanks the Network and its members in supporting our country after the announcement that U.S. banks had refused to take on the accounts of our diplomatic mission in Washington, DC. Again the Empire’s arrogance violates international regulations affecting Cuban families who are eager to see their loved ones and academic and cultural groups ready to participate in upcoming events in our country.
Barack Obama acknowledged that U.S. policy toward Cuba needs to be updated. However, we all know that this means following the same plans to eliminate the Revolution through new and sophisticated technologies. Next year will be crucial for Cuban society engrossed in its authentic updating of its economic model.
In this context, we will welcome once again the Pastors for Peace Caravan and the Venceremos Brigade. Both projects have managed to keep their travel challenge despite the economic crisis and the significant loss of some of its founders. It is important that the Network and their organizations continue supporting these important projects. These trips should continue being the largest example of denunciation against the US policies against Cuba designed to subdue our people.
Another challenge that we will face next year will be the celebration of the III World Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba. ICAP prepares to welcome in October thousands of friends from all over the world to discuss and propose new alternatives to exchange. We hope to have a broad representation of the network and all sectors of American society and we know we will be able to count on you.
We wish you success.
We will await you in Havana, Cuba on October of 2014.
May 2014 be for all a new year of victories and conquests.
Happy Holidays and a healthy New Year for all and your family!
Kenia Serrano Puig
Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples