Our beloved Cuba, Fidel, reacted to the pandemic with a heroic effort
Frei betto
13 august 2020
History, Opinion 18 Comments

Fidel with Frei Betto and a group of Cuban scientists at the Inauguration of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Havana. Photo: Courtesy of CIGB
Dear Fidel:
This day of your birthday I feel very nostalgic for our conversations. And, above all, of your luminous intelligence to guide us in this new pandemic situation.
Life and history are full of unforeseen events. With so many attacks that the CIA prepared to assassinate you, who would have imagined that you would pass to the other side of life peacefully in your bed, surrounded by loved ones and honored by your beloved Cuban people? Who would have imagined that the Soviet Union would disintegrate in 1991 without firing a single shot? Who would have imagined that the United States would have a black president and the Catholic Church a progressive Argentine pope?
During our conversations at your house, you spoke to me several times about the serious threat of nuclear war. That danger continues. But who would have imagined that this year the world would stop spinning due to an invisible virus known as Covid-19?
Our beloved Cuba, Fidel, reacted to the pandemic with a heroic effort that added the correct attitudes of the people, health professionals and the government. Compared to other countries, few lives were lost thanks to the measures adopted and followed by the population. And in the internationalist and supportive spirit that has always marked the history of the Revolution, health brigades were sent to help people in dozens of countries.
The virus revealed, as never before, the rotten entrails of capitalism, the abysmal social inequality, the supreme contradiction between a system that produces admirable technological advances, but is incapable of preventing humanity from being affected by a simple virus.
I thank God for the gift of your life, Fidel. Here we continue with the responsibility of being faithful to your legacy and worthy of your example of life and struggle.
We will win, Commander!
Frei betto
Printed article from: Cubadebate: http://www.cubadebate.cu