Official registration open!

REGISTER NOW for NNOC’s annual meeting from October 13-15 at UMass Boston! Join us in building the future of the Cuba solidarity movement! Speakers, breakouts and workshops to be announced soon!
Housing: If you are coming from out of town and need a place to stay, or if you live in Greater Boston and can offer your spare room or couch to another Cuba solidarity activist, please fill out this solidarity housing form so we can match you up!
Membership: If you’re interested in joining NNOC as a new member org, find more info and APPLY HERE by October 13, 2023. (New members do not have to pay membership dues until 2024.)
Co-Chair Elections: NNOC has 5 co-chairs and at each annual meeting, the NNOC holds elections for two-year overlapping terms. Last year, Cheryl Labash was re-elected and new co-chairs Shaquille Fontenot and Calla Walsh were elected. This year we have two co-chair vacancies: the co-chair seats currently held by Mimut Nuhu and Gail Walker will be up for election/re-election. Find more info about being a co-chair and nominate a candidate here. We encourage all to consider running, especially young people!
Registration Payment: If you are attending the meeting in-person, we ask for a $10-$20 sliding scale donation to help us cover the space rental costs. This does not include any food, which will be available for purchase at UMass Boston. Payment can be made in advance or at the meeting registration desk with cash, credit card, or check. No one will be turned away if they cannot pay.
Membership Dues: The annual membership dues for the NNOC are $120. Member groups have to pay to be able to vote at the Fall Meeting. Group representatives can attend without paying the group dues but cannot vote. To pay in advance, send a check made out to NNOC and mailed to our treasurer John Waller (4785 N.Yale St, Portland, OR 97203) or pay by credit card using Square (call John Waller at 831-261-2025 to do this).