Your tax dollars at work? NED vs Cuba

Part of a larger document outlining the US NED actions to undermine national sovereignty around the world, this is the section on Cuba.

8.Funding anti-Cuba forces to manipulate public opinion against the government. Cuba has long suffered heavily from US infiltration and subversive activities. Cuban media revealed that NED and USAID allocated nearly 250 million US dollars to programs targeting Cuba over the past 20 years. According to the awarded grants disclosed in 2021 on the NED website, it funded 42 anti-Cuba programs in 2020 alone. In 2021, NED funded and guided anti-Cuba forces to fabricate and spread disinformation on social networks to stoke public sentiments against the government, and instigate the people to take part in activities disrupting public order. For instance, in mid-June 2021, anti-Cuba forces rumor-mongered that the country’s health system was overwhelmed by the COVID-19 pandemic, causing public panic. In July, capitalizing on the surge of street protests in Cuba, NED churned out the fake news that “(more than) 100 protesters … are missing” and used InternetA robots to disseminate it. That was a malicious attempt to influence public opinion online and incite the Cuban people to overthrow their government.

Read more including NED funding in Africa and Asia at: May 7, 2022 Fact Sheet on the National Endowment for Democracy