November 23-28, 2022
We, representatives of social, political, student organizations and community leaders, have gathered in Havana as delegates to the Cuba-US Youth Friendship Encounter «Building our Future Today».
During intense days we have shared with scientists, farmers, workers, students, artists, educators, community organizers to exchange about our realities and unequivocally reaffirm our solidarity with the Cuban people, who have warmly welcomed us as friends.
In unforgettable meetings, we confirmed that health care, access to free education and culture are rights already guaranteed to all Cubans and even to young people from other countries studying at the emblematic Latin American School of Medicine, reinforcing the premise that a better world is always possible.
For all these reasons, we, the young Cuban and American partakers at the event, express that:
We commit ourselves to work together to spread our achievements and take on the challenges we face in our struggle against U.S. imperialism, as well as to work in a more visible way on various platforms to spread the reality of both countries. To do so, it is essential to combat the misinformation campaigns promoted by the circles of power from the U.S..
We demand respect for human dignity, the implementation of coherent measures to address climate change, access to universal and free education and health, as well as an end to all forms of exploitation, oppression, racism and discrimination.
We recognize the Cuban Revolution as a reference for progressive struggles and social movements in the U.S., as well as a viable alternative to the current hegemonic capitalist order.
We denounce the imposition by the U.S. government of the economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba, which prevents it from obtaining indispensable inputs for its development. This policy also deprives the American people of the medical, cultural and intellectual potential that Cuba offers. Therefore, we demand the immediate cessation of all economic restrictions on the Cuban people, and the removal of Cuba from the infamous/illegitimate list of States that sponsor terrorism.
We defend peace and demand respect for the sovereignty and self-determination of peoples. We demand the cessation of the illegal occupation by the United States of the territory where the Guantanamo Naval Base is located, as well as all foreign military bases.
We call attention to the dangerous rise of the arms race for the benefit of the military industrial complex, while the scourges of hunger and lack of access to basic services continue to exist in the world.
We recognize the right of the working class to organize and fight against the system of capitalist exploitation.
We recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Cuban people and their decision to build an increasingly prosperous socialist society, and we assume the responsibility to defend socialist projects.
We claim the right to relate respectfully as neighbouring countries.
The youth of the United States will return to our communities re-energized and with the firm commitment to continue our anti-imperialist struggle and to adopt in our spaces the strategic and humanist value of internationalism that our sister Cuban homeland teaches us.
Let us build our future today!